For my book layout, I place photos of packaged health food products next to photos of questionable exercise conduct. On each two page spread I pair together photos based on composition, color, line, and shapes involved. The photos of the model are arranged so that there is variation in their order in the book. The photos of the food packaging bring text and force the reader to make connections between the images they are next to. There is no metaphorical intention to the pairings or relationship between the text on the labels but the viewer might think this.
Photos of vegan/ glutton-free/ organic/ free-range/ GMO-free/ 10-grain products was one of my original ideas for the photo project but I hadn't considered combining it with the "Gym Culture" photos until I began the layout of my photo book. It was challenging to create rhythm, balance and variation with the same model in the same location in every photo.
In "Transforming Destiny into Awareness: The Americans", Greeough states "Frank's comments suggest that he had no preconceived ideas about what each section of the book should address and instead let their focus grow out of the act of linking the photos together" and that "the very subtlety of his sequencing, coupled with the opaque nature of many of the photographs themselves, leaves the book open to various interpretations". In both of these aspects, I was inspired by Frank's methodology in designing my book layout. I allowed ideas to grow out of my experimentation with placement of photos and I would like my vague visual commentary to be open to interpretation.